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Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

      The surgery for correction of prominent ears (prominanimus) is a simple procedure, done under local anesthesia (with or without oral sedation - tablet to sleep, depending on the patient choice) and does not require hospitalization. 

      You spend 3 hours in the clinic and can go home. And as dressing, we use immobilization gauze for 24 hours and then a tennis or ballet head band for two weeks, until the healing process is completed.


      There are no resultant scars in front of the ear, the whole surgery is made on the back and is very fast (about 1 hour for the two sides).       

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)
Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

Post-Operative Timeline

5 days

End of bed rest. Use of sports band continuously.

14 days

Removal of surgical stitches. Sports band use only at night.

21 days

End of sports band use. Reduce of swelling.

3 months

Final result.

Dr. Domingos Q. De Paola - CRM - 52.28523-6

​- Full Member of Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - SBCP;

- Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgery - ISAPS;

- Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - ASAPS;

- Member of the American Society os Plastic Surgery - ASPS

- Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery - AACS;

- Member of the International College of Surgeons - FICS;

Follow us: 


93 Siqueira Campos Street - Suite 605

Copacabana Medical Center Building

Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brazil

Phone : (21) 2256-3768(21) 2235-6013

Whatsapp: (21) 2256-3768 / (21) 99994-8124

Monday to Friday from 09:00am to 07:00pm

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