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Dr Domingos De Paola

Dr. Domingos Quintella De Paola

C.C.P.R. Director - Plastic Surgeon CRM 52.28523-6

Full Member of Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - SBCP;

Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgery - ISAPS;

Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - ASAPS;

Member of the American Society os Plastic Surgery - ASPS

Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery - AACS;

Member of the International College of Surgeons - FICS;

Health Ministry's Medical Expert

Judicial Medical Expert


Areas of Specialization

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

CO2 Laser Surgeries
MACS lift, Aptos Threads, Curl lift, Fillers and Botox™
Aesthetic and reconstructive treatments using stem-cells

Non Invasive baldness treatments.


Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French.

Enfermeiro Marcel Silva

DR. Marcel Silva

First Assistant Doctor

CRM 52.120222-7


Dra. Diana C. De Paola

Anesthesiologist - CRM: 52 1095447


Member of the Rio de Janeiro Anesthesiology Society (SAERJ)

Membrer of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA))

Áreas de Especialização:

Specialized Physician Certified by Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (TEA- SBA)

Expert in Anesthesiology by Brazilian Medical Association (TEA - AMB)

Intensive Care Experience since 2016


Academic Information

Medical Graduation: Rio de Janeiro State University (UNIGRANRIO)

Medical Post-Graduation in Anesthesiology: Hospital Federal da Lagoa (HFL - MS)


Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian


Sandra Lúcia Gomes Nascimento

Head of postoperative physical therapy

Instrumentadora Elisabete Rosa

Elisabete Rosa

COREN RJ 31627

Surgical instrumentation technician

Nurse technician

Secretária Angélica




Dr. Domingos Q. De Paola - CRM - 52.28523-6

​- Full Member of Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - SBCP;

- Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgery - ISAPS;

- Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - ASAPS;

- Member of the American Society os Plastic Surgery - ASPS

- Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery - AACS;

- Member of the International College of Surgeons - FICS;

Follow us: 


93 Siqueira Campos Street - Suite 605

Copacabana Medical Center Building

Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brazil

Phone : (21) 2256-3768(21) 2235-6013

Whatsapp: (21) 2256-3768 / (21) 99994-8124

Monday to Friday from 09:00am to 07:00pm

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