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Laser Lipo (Smart Lipo)

      Exactly 30 years ago was performed the first liposuction in Brazil, more precisely in the HFSE. Since then much has changed, starting with the diameter of the cannulas, every day thinner, what made possible more superficial liposuctions, what achieve more skin retraction. But perhaps the most important landmark in this period has been the change of the anesthesia technique that transformed a liposuction procedure with great loss of blood and protein (dry technique) in a procedure where you lose just minerals and only very little amount of blood (wet technique).


      This occurred due to the anesthesia technique raised in 1986 by an American dermatologist, Dr. Jeffrey Klein, who injected a large volume of liquid along with the local anesthetic diluted, reducing injuries to vessels and nerves. Today this procedure is called by many names: Hydro-Lipo, Lipo-Light, HLP,HLPA, etc ... and is widely used by most plastic surgeons.


      However, the greatest revolution of liposuction techniques happening a few years ago with the advent of laser liposuction. The devices have evolved and the wavelengths are changed to give more security to the procedure. After a conventional liposuction in the area to be treated the laser is passed to enable retraction of the skin.

Laser Lipo (Smart Lipo)

Post-Operative TimeLine

5 days

End of bed rest, continuous use of surgical garments.

7 days

Removal of stitches and return to day-to-day life.

21 days

Selling and ecchymosis reduced

30 days

3 months

End of surgical garment's use. Beaches and exercises allowed.

Final result.

Dr. Domingos Q. De Paola - CRM - 52.28523-6

​- Full Member of Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery - SBCP;

- Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgery - ISAPS;

- Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - ASAPS;

- Member of the American Society os Plastic Surgery - ASPS

- Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery - AACS;

- Member of the International College of Surgeons - FICS;

Follow us: 


93 Siqueira Campos Street - Suite 605

Copacabana Medical Center Building

Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brazil

Phone : (21) 2256-3768(21) 2235-6013

Whatsapp: (21) 2256-3768 / (21) 99994-8124

Monday to Friday from 09:00am to 07:00pm

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