Always striving for the dissemination of Brazilian techniques and plastic surgery abroad, Dr. Domingos De Paola is always present as a speaker at international congresses, presenting the latest techniques of plastic and aesthetic surgery.
In the years of 2013 and 2014 he gave several lectures in Brazil on his simplified technique for "Elevation of the upper third of the face and eyelashes" in the Annual Congress of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) in New York. Paricipated in the "Vegas Cosmetic Surgery 2013" where he presented his technique of Mini-lift (the fast recovery face lift). Later, he was in Paris, divulging his techniques in the "9th EMAA - 9th European Masters in Anti-Aging Medicine". Gave an important lecture on facial rejuvenation at the 22nd Congress of the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) at the Windsor Barra Hotel in Rio de Janeiro and gave a lecture on Laser Lipo (smart-lipo) at another Annual Congress of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) in San Francisco, USA.
Multidisciplinary meeting of Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology
Lecture on Facial Rejuvenation through stem-cells. Anual AACS Congress.
Award-winning lecture.
Multidisciplinary meeting of Aesthetic Surgery and Dermatology
In 2016, Dr. Domingos Q De Paola gave an important lecture on facial rejuvenation with stem cells at the 12th International Búzios Conference and 8th American-Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting (ABAM) at the Hotel Atlântico in Búzios, RJ-Brazil. Lecture on Facial Rejuvenation with Stem Cells and another on his technique of Elevation of the Threaded Eyelashes, once again at the 12th Annual Vegas Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology Meeting in Las Vegas, USA. Still at the end of 2016 he participated in a round table of facial rejuvenation with Stem Cells at the 4th World Plastic Surgery Congress in Monte Carlo, in the Principality of Monaco.
2017 was also a year of important lectures in Brazil and abroad, highlighting those of the 13th Journey of Buzios and the 36th Journey of Plastic Surgery where he spoke once again about facial rejuvenation with Stem Cells (PRP - the Vampire Face-Lift ). This year, at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), an event with 3600 registered surgeons, he made 4 presentations on his techniques of face, eyebrows elevation, laser liposuction and gluteoplasty.
In 2018 and 2019 Dr. De Paola maintained his international presence, lecturing about various techniques in ASAPS meetings (New Orleans and New York), ASPS (San Diego) and ISAPS (Miami).
Highlights in international congresses
Latest Technologies
With active participation in all major international congresses, searching and disseminating the latest tendencies of the world of plastic surgery. Our team is prepared to fulfill his dream with the latest techniques and equipment.
Industrial Silicone Removal, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
High definition liposuctions
MACS lift, Aptos Threads, Curl lift, Fillings and Botox™
Endermologie and Russian Stimulation